Multiple Blue Rings

Dual Controls: What Happens When Pilots Issue Conflicting Commands? 


Boeing planes utilize an interconnected mechanical Yoke system. Here's an illustration:

if the captain, seated on the left, directs the yoke to the right, the co-pilot's yoke synchronously moves right. Should the co-pilot oppose by steering left, these instructions will counteract, essentially neutralizing each other.


A leap into the technological realm, Airbus champions the Fly-by-Wire system

When faced with diverging commands from the pilot duo, the system steps in, evaluating and overriding one input to prevent conflict. A notable feature of the Airbus joysticks is the priority button, which empowers the captain to have the final say in command decisions.

Your Thoughts? Both Boeing and Airbus prioritize passenger safety by ensuring that in the rare instance of conflicting pilot commands, robust systems are in place to avert any potential hazard.

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