Exploring the Different Types of Aircraft Power Sources at the Gate.
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Whenever the aircraft arrived at the gate there are Different Types of Aircraft Power Sources at the Gate. While preparing for the next flight during that period the Airline staff cleans the aircraft for the next flight before the boarding of passengers till the boarding gets completed aircraft need the power to light up the aircraft and also for the air condition system to maintain the temperature inside the cabin.
Usually, to save fuel costs and for the safety of ground staff, the Pilot in Command switches off the aircraft Engines and engines are the main sources of generating electricity so What are the Different Types of Aircraft Power Sources at the Gate After landing pilot generally switches off one engine to save fuel and during taxi, the amount of thrust required can be fulfilled by a single engine but when the aircraft reached the gate then there is no need for the engine to run as no more thrust is requite but power is required to make sure electronic system is working all the time.
Normally there are three Different Types of Aircraft Power Sources at the Gate.

- Aircraft Engines (Main source of power during flying)
- APU (Auxiliary Power Unit) (A device that provides Backup Power)
- GPU (Ground Power Unit) (Power provides by external sources such as Terminal Building)
A- What is APU (Auxiliary Power Unit)
The APU (Auxiliary Power Unit) is a power backup system that provided power to the aircraft when parked at the gate without relying on the Ground power unit. It is a kind of small engine located at the tail of the aircraft end. It helps to save fuel costs when the aircraft is in-ground and provides power to operate the Air condition and Control system of the Aircraft.
APU (Auxiliary Power Unit) also provides power to start the main engines. But it does not provide trust to aircraft to move it only for the electrical system. It saves a Lot of Fuel costs as aircraft can also use the main engine to provide power during standing at the gate, but it cost too much to the airline and also creates a safety hazard for ground staff.

Honeywell Aviation and PRATT & WHITNEY, are the major manufacturers of APU (Auxiliary Power Units)
APU (Auxiliary Power Unit) can also be used during the flight but mostly in case of Both engines fail normally during the flight APU will be switched off. In case of engine failure, APU is used to provide power for the electric system during the flight so that the aircraft can be landed safety.
B- What is GPU (Ground Power Unit)
The GPU (Ground Power Unit) is ground support equipment used to provide power to aircraft during parked at the gate when aircraft engines and APU are switched off. It is the most recommended power system for Aircraft as it will cost much less the using ATF for powering the Aircraft and it will create less air pollution compared to APU and Aircraft Engines with less noise. The GPU is attracted to aircraft with a wire, but it will be done before t turning off the engine to ensure there is a continuous power supply.

1- Fixed Type Aircraft Ground Power Unit.
The Fixed Type Aircraft Ground Power Unit is installed at the RAMP at a fixed location it cannot move and power capability and location are analyzed during the airport planning and according to the parking slot Aircraft handling capability to meet the power requirements of the aircraft which will be park at the particular parking slot. It uses the Airport power to provide power to the Aircraft.
2- Mobile Type Aircraft Ground Power Unit.
The Mobile Type Aircraft Ground Power Unit is a moveable power unit that can move to any location in the ramp to provide power to aircraft it is like a diesel generator with moving capability it is not fixed a Fixed Type Aircraft Ground Power Unit and for Mobile Type Aircraft Ground Power Unit any pre-planning is not required. The best part of it is it can be movie anywhere inside the Airport with the help of a Tow Truck and can give power to aircraft parked in any location. It can be of Two Types 1- Fuel Operated (Mostly Diesel) and 2- Battery Operated.

C- Bridge Mounted Aircraft Ground Power Unit.
It is a kind of fixed GPU the only difference is that they are not Installed on RAMP/ Ground they are placed under the Aerobridge/Jet Bridge with a wire they can be connected to the Aircraft. The Bridge Mounted Aircraft Ground Power Unit uses the Airport power and transfers the Power to Aircraft as per the power requirements of the aircraft with the help of Connector wires.

C -Aircraft Engines
The Aircraft Engines are the primary source of power for the aircraft during flight and even on the ground, it is like Car engine as it changes the battery and gives power to the car’s electric system during driving same as Aircraft works. But the problem with the Aircraft engine is that it uses a lot of Fuel with Aircraft Turbine Fuel ATF and creates a lot of Noise. That is why airlines prefer the use of Ground Power Unit and Auxiliary Power Unit which uses less fuel and cost-efficient than Aircraft engine.

These are the Different Types of Aircraft Power Sources at the Gate that are used in the Aviation industry to provide power to aircraft at the gate and to maintain smooth operations during the turnaround and boarding and deboarding of passengers.
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